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SearchFolder Methods

The SearchFolder type exposes the following members.

Public methodCompareTo(ItemIdList)
Determines the relative order of "this" and "other".
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodCompareTo(Object)
Determines the relative order of "this" and "other".
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodCompareTo(ItemIdList, ItemIdListComparison)
Determines the relative order of "this" and "other".
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodConcat
Concatenates the specified ItemIdList to the current one.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodConcatRelativeIdList
Concatenates a relative item idlist to the current one returning a new object
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodDispose
Releases ressources.
(Inherited from ItemIdListBase2.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases Com-Interfaces associated with this ItemIdList.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodEquals(ItemIdList)
Determines whether the specified ItemIdList references the same object in the Windows Shell namespace.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified ItemIdList references the same object in the Windows Shell namespace.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodEquals(ItemIdList, ItemIdListComparison)
Determines whether the specified ItemIdList references the same object in the Windows Shell namespace.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the ItemIdListBase2 class. Releases unmanaged ressources before the instance is reclaimed by the Garbage Collection.
(Inherited from ItemIdListBase2.)
Public methodGetDisplayName
Gets a display name as specified by the passed format.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodGetPart
Returns a new instance of the ItemIdList class that contains only a part of the current ItemIdList.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodGetPropertyDisplayValue
Gets property value converted to a string.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodGetPropertyVariantValue
Gets property value of the shell item represented by this ItemIdList. Depending on the attribute requested, the value is converted into a matching type.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodHasAttributes
Determines whether the object represented by this ItemIdList has the specified attributes.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodIsParentOf
Determines whether the passed ItemIdList is a child of this instance or if it represents the same element as the callee.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodIsSpecialFolder(ShellFolder)
Compares the ItemIdList to a ShellFolder.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodIsSpecialFolder(ShellFolder)
Compares the ItemIdList to the set of ShellFolder instances.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodLastPart
Returns the last part of an ItemIdList as new ItemIdList.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Protected methodReleaseHandle
Free the current Win32 ItemIdList.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodReload
Reloads the ItemIdList by updating the ShellItem and reassigning the pidl. Turns non-functional ItemIdLists as they are sent by ShellNotifications into functional ones.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodRename
Renames the ItemIdList.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
Public methodSetPropertyValue
Sets a property value.
(Inherited from ItemIdList.)
See Also